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 This is a story that I didn't like. Most people find this the best Final Fantasy ever, or best for PSX, but I personally think it was garbage. For the graphics, I think it's okay, if they'd just take out the shadow in their teeth. It makes them look like they have brown teeth or something. Rinoa was the second ugliest girl (That ended up with the main character) to ever grace Final Fantasy, in my opinion, Squall was too quiet, and he took leadership stupidly. I think Squall needs to lighten up sometimes, cause he acts like a complete fag! No offence to any that like it! The other thing that made me hate the game was that the graphics when on the field, was too dark, the movement was slow and stops too quickly (For example, when you enter the next screen, it stops right there and the screen goes black, instead of fading, then it shows the next screen. Anyways, here's the main story.
 Squall Leonheart, a guy who doesn't like to talk much. When he was accepted to be a SeeD (Special Soldiers that are trained to fight sorceresses), he was to assanintate Edea, his Matron. But when the assasination failed, there was a new terror, and the team had to stop the sorcreress from the future, Ultimecia. Pretty short huh? Well heres more info. Squall and Rinoa were constantly talking to eachother, and Rinoa was always soft, while he denied what he truly felt. Quistis fell in love with Squall, but they never had a chance to get together. One reason was because she was his teacher!